
Acupuncture is one of the many skills utilised by Shepherds’ Health, either on its own or as part of an integrated, multi-dimensional approach to the management of pain and inflammation in order to restore normal function and movement and enhance rehabilitation.

Acupuncture in Chelmsford
Acupuncture services in Dunmow
Acupuncture treatment in Dunmow

Physiotherapists can utilise the pain-relieving benefits of acupuncture as a precursor to other forms of manual or exercise therapy to improve recovery time.

  • Acupuncture achieves pain relief through stimulation of the brain and spinal cord using on the body.
  • This stimulation promotes the production of the body’s naturally occurring chemicals such as endorphins to relieve specific points of pain, melatonin to promote sleep and serotonin to promote well-being.
  • These chemicals assist the body’s healing process and enhance the body’s ability to ‘self-repair’.
  • A sound research and evidence base exist for the use of acupuncture by Physiotherapists.
Acupuncture Association of Chartered physiotherapistsAt Shepherds’ Health, we have all completed the approved and recognised acupuncture courses and adhere to the standards set out by the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP). If you would like more information on how acupuncture is integrated into the treatment we provide, please contact us. Alternatively, you can visit for further information.

Book online today for an Acupuncture appointment.