Shepherds’ Health is excited to announce that we can now provide RESTORE scar therapy.
Shepherds’ Health is excited to announce that we can now provide RESTORE scar therapy.
As from June 2024 there will be price changes for our services.
Hypnotic Gastric Band therapy is an alternative, easy weight loss approach with proven long-lasting results.
Enhance quality of life and mobility for people living with osteoarthritis.
At Shepherds’ Health we always do our best to work alongside local businesses relevant to our client needs.
Integrating the JEMS® concepts allows us to explore other ways to complete a task which you may otherwise be ‘stuck’ in.
Osteoarthritis of the knee is a degenerative condition that results in the degradation of cartilage within the knee joint
Enhance quality of life and mobility for people living with osteoarthritis.
Vertigo, is a false sensation of motion, often reported as a spinning sensation.
Migraine is one of the most debilitating chronic disorders.
Knee braces can help you remain active despite, injuries you may have to ligaments or the joint surfaces.
Due to our environment becoming a fairly hostile place of late, the rise of anxiety led behaviour leads straight into our health.
Sleep is hugely overlooked and underestimated in terms of the correlation with health
Whether you have let your physical fitness go over the last year of COVID, or embraced the opportunity to be more active and get sporty, injuries can happen.
A lot of people now working from home have found this "new normal" to be a great way of improving their work life balance.
During the first lockdown almost 50% of employed people in the UK worked from home
At Shepherds Health we are delighted to announce a new corporate partnership with 442 Sports Management Group.
Are you an enthusiastic and well skilled Physiotherapist or other Health & Wellbeing Therapist?
Peak performance or returning to normal movement all require strength and power and the benefits of strength and conditioning training is undeniable.
The Virgin Money London Marathon ballot results are now out and should you be ‘lucky’ enough to have gained a place your training should be underway!
ACL Rehabilitation The acronym ACL has become synonymous with Skiing and Football.
Far too often we see patients in the clinic with an incorrect diagnosis of frozen shoulder.
Structures in and around the hip commonly cause pain, and are particularly rife when we enter our middle years.
It is the number one cause of lateral elbow pain. Although a common injury amongst tennis players it is not solely defined to this activity.
The acronym ACL has become synonymous with Skiing. This is mainly due to the traumatic nature of injuries which result in an excessive twisting of the knee.
Knee Osteoarthritis Knee pain is a common problem for many people, as work and sporting activities start to catch up with us.
We believe strongly that in order to successfully treat our clients we must have a deep level of understanding of the body and how it works.
Continuing the theme of understanding our nervous system we must understand a bit more about the functioning parts of the brain.
At Shepherds’ Health we understand that our nervous system controls everything we sense and do.
We understand Neuroplasticity – the brains ability to learn and re-learn movement patterns, behaviour and sensations.
We understand that Emotions within our brain can have both a positive and negative effect on how we feel and how we physically function.
We understand that our brains make us who we are. It stores memories and all the experiences from our life.
The Social Brain At Shepherds’ Health we understand that our brains benefit from social interaction.
At Shepherds’ Health we understand that for all of us our lives getting busier and more stressful.
At Shepherds’ Health we are always looking to develop our therapists in a wide range of treatment approaches.
Dr Peter O’Sullivan reinforced the need for us to understand all of the many contributing factors to the chronic back pain that we feel.
A huge part of Physiotherapy is empowering people to improve their activity levels.
Professor Peter O’Sullivan of recently discussed the potential over treatment of athletes with back pain.
A look at how our general fitness and health may be effecting our pain levels or our susceptibility to developing chronic pain.
Do you want to stop relying on the pain killers and avoid spinal injections and surgery, but don’t know how?
It is commonly believed that pain is an inevitable part of getting older and that there is nothing to do about it except grit your teeth and deal with it.
Management of lower back pain has historically been done very poorly throughout the world.
A study by University of Rochester Scientists in the journal Science reveals that the brain's unique method of waste removal.
A common misconception is that physiotherapists only treat sports injuries, back pain and give out exercises.
Suffering lower back pain? Have had for years or it has recently started?
We have another interesting video for you from David Butler of the Neuro Orthopaedic Institute.
Why do I have pain? Watch this video from world leading pain Physiotherapist and Neurologist, Lorimer Moseley.
Need help with your diet and nutrition? We are committed to helping you with all your health needs.