Revive your positive energy flow.
Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use.
The ‘Life Force Energy’ flows from therapist to client and helps healing by removing dormant or blocked energy which is held within, usually stemming from physical and/or emotional trauma.
During this gentle and relaxing healing experience, your therapist will lightly place or hover their hands over the body’s energy pathways. During the session, you remain fully clothed and can receive the treatment either lying down or seated in a chair, whichever you are most comfortable with.
How Reiki can help you
Reiki can be used to relieve both physical and emotional imbalances by working on the body’s energy level and can be used to treat a number of issues including:
- Anxiety, depression & stress management
- Back pain
- Chronic pain
- Digestive issues
- Emotional issues
- Grief and loss
- Headaches/migraines
- Low self-esteem/confidence issues
- Relationship issues
Session Cost £50 per hour
There is no set amount of Reiki sessions that we recommend as every client is unique in what they want to gain from this healing experience. Once you begin to work with your therapist, you can be guided on what would be the best outcome for you.
For FAQS, please visit
To book an appointment, please call Sarah on 01371 700466 or email