Hip Pain
Structures in and around the hip commonly cause pain, and are particularly rife when we enter our middle years.
We see many complaints at Shepherds’ Health, be it joint pain from age related changes or irritation of the muscles and tendons surrounding the joint – 99% of the time there is something we can do to help you get in control of the pain. If Physiotherapy can’t help then we have many excellent contacts to direct you – such as Paul Jairaj of London Sports Orthopaedics.
The most common conditions we see are osteoarthritis of the hip joint, irritation of the gluteal tendons (usually misdiagnosed as hip bursitis) and referred lower back pain. In order to treat effectively we need to comprehensively assess your movements, strength, biomechanics and nervous system which could all lead to your pain. After this we can treat with greater success, getting you back to walking comfortably, cycling or running – whatever suits your needs! BJSM and Alison Grimaldi a leading clinician in hip pain teamed up to produce a fantastic pod cast on lateral hip pain (Suited to clinicians but she does offer some good practical solutions to managing your hip pain) https://soundcloud.com/bmjpodcasts/dr-alison-grimaldi-with-practical-physiotherapy-tips-on-treating-lateral-hip-pain.
Our therapists all have different approaches when it comes to manual therapy, from acupuncture and soft tissue release all the way to Barral therapy we cover it all, giving you a tailored treatment package in conjunction with a rehabilitation programme suited to your goals.
From lower level strength and conditioning to sports specific rehabilitation we have the knowledge to guide you every step of the way. We have also started to see a number of hip complaints in runners – since completing the #runningrepairs course we have managed to get our clients back on course in a matter of weeks.