The Team < Revi Price


Command Cell Therapy – Rapid Transformational Therapy

I am an RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) practitioner, trained by award-winning founder of this treatment, Marisa Peer.

Revi Price

RTT is a fast and effective stand-alone therapy, proven all over the world to provide rapid relief and permanent results from emotional and physical ailments.

My passion is to help people perform at their very best and I’ve used one of RTT treatment methods, Command Cell Therapy, on many clients to successfully heal the body and mind.

What is Command Cell Therapy?

As part of Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT) treatment, Command Cell Therapy is a preventative health system to harness the immune system and assist natural healing using the power of your mind. This type of cellular healing is a evolutionary hybrid combination technique that purposefully heals the mind and body, rather than positively conditioning the body alone. Complementing your existing treatment, it will help you with energy cleaning and re-coding of your natural healing system to empower you to take control over your health.

Book online now to make an appointment